Hanuman sadhanas: A real miracle
by Dr Manish Pandit Introduction: It is now Pitru Paksha. Saturn is also stationary in Saggitarius with Ketu. One of the people who I prayed should attain peace at Gaya was my uncle. The story which I quote is very old. I used to go to the North of India on vacation when I was a child. There I used to meet my father's younger sister's husband, we used to address him as Choudhry uncle. Choudhry uncle had apparently had an accident when he was much younger. This accident had caused him numerous fractures, his hip and his spine included. The injuries had been grave and had left him with terrible problems, including making him move almost sideways. Despite this he used to have a superb smile on his face at all times. An extremely well read man, we used to have conversations on so many things for hours. He was very well to do and had apparently stayed in a hotel in Chicago for months in his youth. All these stories made me really interested in Chicago but also in reading books ...